Samsung Teams Up With Yahoo For Interactive TV Service

Samsung has just teamed up with Yahoo, creating a multi-year partnership that will bring the search company’s interactive Connected TV platform to Sammy’s 2012 lineup of smart TVs

Connected TV—software that brings interactive content like trivia, program statistics and playable games to the shows you’re watching—hasn’t gotten off to the best of starts so far. Clearly, though, Samsung thinks it shows promise. In particular, the tie-in will allow Samsung TV users to use their smartphone or tablet as an extra remote, or as a means through which to consume Yahoo’s additional content. That sounds pretty good.

The one major downside? Yahoo’s service also recognizes commercials—so you could expect twice the advertising along with your entertainment.

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Lifestyles of the (semi) Disconnected…a harsh reality described by an American Girl !

About a month ago, I made a life altering decision. While on paper it sounds petty, simple and mundane—it was quite the opposite in all actuality. In an effort to decrease stress and create an opportunity to spend time with my family, I became disconnected. I have closed my personal social media accounts (Facebook, Google+, etc). I have not blogged, nor have participated in any major online activity—this includes checking my personal email. While at the time, I was honestly attempting to isolate myself due to many personal and family issues. I have since realized this decision was surprisingly life changing.

My life of cyber detachment all began after a trip to the doctor’s office to discuss the onset of migraine headaches. While I joked regularly Continue reading